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sumaiya name meaning in bengali

What does the name Sumaiya mean? | Sumaiya Name Meaning in Bengali: The popularity of the name “Sumaiya” is very noticeable due to its extraordinary lexical meaning. You can get 5 to 10 Sumaiyas even if it is less than one village. If this is the case then maybe you should be interested to know – what is the meaning of the name “Sumaiya”?

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sumaiya name meaning in bengali

Today we will tell you in this article – What is the meaning of the name Sumaiya? Is Sumaiya an Islamic name? What is the Arabic meaning of the name Sumaiya? What is the difference between Sumaiya and Sumaiyaa? What is the meaning of Sumaiya in Bengali? If you want to know the answer to all these questions, then read the article “What is the meaning of the name Sumaiya” from beginning to end.

sumaiya name meaning in urdu

The name “Sumaiya” is a well-known name in a Muslim family. Named “Sumaiyaa or Sumaiyaa”, he is really lucky.

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According to the popularity and rank of the name “Sumaiya”, the standard ranking of the name is 217 and the lucky number of Sumaiya is 9.

Table of Contents
Full Bengali description of the name “Sumaiya”
“Sumaiya” Full Details in English
What does the name Sumaiya mean?
What is the meaning of the name Sumaiya in Bengali?
What does the name “Sumaiya” mean in English?
What is the Arabic meaning of the name Sumaiya?
Is Sumaiya an Islamic name?
What is the difference between Sumaiya OR Sumaiyaa?
What is the name Sumaiya in Islamic view?

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Our last word
Full Bengali description of the name “Sumaiya”
Name: –
Gender: –
Meaning: –

  • Reputation, reputation, high, elevated, distinctive mark or
    Patterned, authentic or unadulterated.
    Source: –
    Fate: –
    Islamic name: –
    English spelling: –
    UmaSumaiya or Sumaiyaa
    Modern Name: –
    Short name: –
    Length of name: –
    —4 letters and 1 word

“Sumaiya” Full Details in English

sumaiya name meaning in urdu and lucky number

LUCKY #: –
Islamic: –
Name leanth: –
—7 letters and 1 word

What does the name Sumaiya mean?
What does the name Sumaiya mean?

Sumaiya is an Arabic word; The lexical meaning of which is – reputation, reputation, high, high, distinctive mark or pattern.

Also the word that is used as a meaning of this name is: pure or unadulterated.

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What is the meaning of the name Sumaiya in Bengali?
The name Sumaiya in Bengali simply means “reputation or high”.

This name means pure, high, high quality. The name of this baby girl originates from Arabic language. The meaning of the name is good and parents can name their newborn daughter Sumaiya.

You may recommend this name to those who are about to become parents.

What does the name “Sumaiya” mean in English?
The name “Sumaiya” in English means – PURE, EXALTED, HIGH, CHASTE.

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What is the Arabic meaning of the name Sumaiya?
Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

Is Sumaiya an Islamic name?
“Sumaiya” is the name of a Muslim girl child and it is a beautiful Islamic name inspired in Arabic with multiple meanings.

In Islamic terminology, the name Sumaiya is used to mean everything that has a high reputation or a number of related words. And that’s what the lexical meaning is.

What is the difference between Sumaiya OR Sumaiyaa?
Sumaiya OR Sumaiyaa The two names are the same and the meaning is the same. But some people write an extra “a”, it feels good to see and hear. There is no difference.

What is the name Sumaiya in Islamic view?
The name Sumaiya has many meanings in mother tongue Bengali. Pure, high, high meanings go with the name Sumaiya. Literally so many people call this name a good name in Islamic view.

The parents keep the child’s nickname Sumaiya as a hobby. Where the original name of many begins with Sumaiya. So here are some names you might like.

Sumaiya Sultana
Sumaiya Hasan
Sumaiya Khatun
Sumaiya Muhammad
Sumaiya Ahmed
Sumaiya Sheikh
Sumaiya government
Sumaiya Rahman
Sumaiya Chowdhury
Sumaiya Khan
Sumaiya Hasan
Hasan Sumaiya
Sumaiya Mim
Sumaiya Parveen
Afia Sumaiya
Sumaiya Sadia
Chhamia Khan Sumaiya
Sumaiya Akhter
Sumaiya Rahman
Umm Akter Sumaiya
Sumaiya Mahtab
Sumaiya Sheikh
Sumaiya Haq
Sumaiya Ali
Sumaiya Nawar
Sumaiya Ahmed
Sumaiya Sabera
Sumaiya Afrin Mim
Sumaiya Khalid Suma
Sumaiya Parveen

sumaiya name meaning in telugu

The name Sumaiya has multiple meanings which I have already told you. Sumaiya is a name in Bengali which has a good reputation or a high, high or distinctive mark or pattern.

Must read: What does the name Ayan mean?

We will say Sumaiya (Sumaiya OR Sumaiyaa) is a good Islamic name.

Our last word
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